What a beautiful sight coming down the escalator to see Bryan, Heather, Kass, Bridget, Brian and Dayne after exiting our flight home! We were especially excited to meet our new grandson, TJ!
Another fun welcome sign made by Heather! A shout out to the neighborhood that the Martin's were home! We loved it!
Besides our homecoming talks, we were privileged to be a part of TJ's blessing day! Thank you Bryan and Heather for waiting for us!
We can't believe we are home from our wonderful mission adventure in New Zealand!
Our testimonies of the Gospel and missionary work grew as we served the wonderful people of Waterlea Park Ward and we love them so much! We were together as companions 24/7 and became the best of friends! Our love for Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ grew more than ever as we felt Their love and care over us every day, along with the love and support of our dear family and friends at home. We made new friendships with so many other Senior couples, and we absolutely LOVE New Zealand! We will be back there sometime, we won't be able to stay away. Our hearts are forever linked with our brothers and sisters in Mangare.